Competencies for the Prevention & Management of Obesity

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Top-line Competencies
Demonstrate a working knowledge of obesity as a disease.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the epidemiology of the obesity epidemic.
Describe the disparate burden of obesity and approaches to mitigate it.
Describe the benefits of working interprofessionally to address obesity to achieve results that cannot be achieved by a single health professional.
Apply the skills necessary for effective interprofessional collaboration and integration of clinical and community care for obesity.
Use patient-centered communication when working with individuals with obesity and others.
Employ strategies to minimize bias towards and discrimination against people with obesity, including weight, body habitus, and the causes of obesity.
Implement a range of accommodations and safety measures specific to people with obesity.
Utilize evidence-based care/services for persons with obesity or at risk for obesity.
Provide evidence-based care/services for persons with obesity comorbidities.