Deborah Bade Horn, DO, MPH | Western Region Public Health Training Center (WRPHTC)
Physical Activity and Obesity: How to Get Your Patient Moving
1 HRS Explaining The hours
Do you know how to set your patient up for success? Physical activity is more than just “exercise.” Physical activity can be intimidating in the best of circumstances but as health care providers we can help our patients embrace the athlete inside. Successful intervention requires a true understanding of US Physical Activity Guidelines and access to quick tools improve your approach in every encounter. Our discussion will help expand your idea of physical activity and obesity treatment, help you understand where to start with each patient and/or when to refer, and how to create and monitor individualized physical activity prescriptions.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the 3 levels of Physical Activity Guidelines that affect Patients with obesity.
- Define NEAT and describe the difference and impact of moving from sedentary to light activity.
- List the Exercise Rx Top Ten.