British Columbia Mental Health & Substance Use Services
BalancedView: Addressing Weight Bias & Stigma in Health Care
BalancedView is an online learning resource designed to raise awareness about weight bias and stigma in health care and to help health care professionals reduce weight bias and stigma in practice.
BalancedView is an evidence-informed resource designed to reduce weight bias and stigma among medical professionals, mental health professionals, allied health professionals and public health professionals. BalancedView was developed for busy professionals. The 5-module resource is an interactive and online tool that takes approximately 2 hours to complete. The resource can be completed any time, from any computer or smart phone. The program includes unique perspectives and educational techniques, including:
- professionals sharing experiences of change
- information on the consequences of weight stigma
- information on health-centered approaches
- patient stories with weight bias in health care
- video case scenarios
- information on the medicalization of weight
- information on the myths about body weight
- opportunities to reflect on learner beliefs
BalancedView has 5 modules, designed to enhance the awareness, knowledge and skills of health professionals in the area of weight bias and stigma.
Module 1: Understanding Weight Stigma
Identify the consequences of weight bias and stigma
Module 2: Patient/Consumer Voices
Identify some of the challenges experienced by people who are overweight or have obesity when accessing the health care system
Module 3: Commonly-Held Beliefs and Introduction to Health-Centered Approaches
Reflect on commonly-held beliefs about individuals with obesity
Module 4: Professional Voices
Describe health professionals’ experiences using health-centered approaches
Module 5: Applying Health-Centered Strategies in Practice
Describe strategies for promoting a health-centered approach in the health care setting
- Register account and complete confidential pre-questionnaire
- Complete course modules
>> An outcomes evaluation is available for this curriculum: https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0364065 <<
Copyright © 2015 BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services. All rights reserved.