Jeannie Huang, MD, MPH; Laura Terrones, MPH
Health Professionals Obesity Prevention Education (HOPE) Curriculum
The HOPE Curriculum was a web-based, multidisciplinary curriculum that educated pediatric clinicians on health consequences of childhood obesity, screening techniques to identify those at risk, and weight counseling methods to educate families on ways to prevent childhood obesity.
The web-based version of the HOPE curriculum is no longer actively maintained. However, educators seeking to integrate training and education on pediatric obesity may be interested in learning about the HOPE curriculum development process:
Huang J, Pokala P, Hill L, Boutelle KN, Wood C, Becerra K, Calfas K. The Health and Obesity: Prevention and Education (HOPE) Curriculum Project—Curriculum Development. Pediatrics. 2009;124(5):1438-46.
The HOPE (Health Professionals Obesity Prevention Education) project was a multidisciplinary, healthy living online counseling curriculum designed to educate pediatric clinicians-in-training (medical and dental) on how to recognize children at risk for obesity comorbidities and how to promote healthy dietary choices that increase physical activity among children and their families. The curriculum instructed future clinicians on the health consequences of childhood obesity, effective screening techniques to identify children and families at risk, current evidence for health intervention recommendations, the theoretical rationale and art of constructive counseling, systems-based practice, and ways to be an advocate for health. In addition, an interactive practicum was incorporated into the curriculum where trainees had the opportunity to practice counseling skills using role-plays based on sample patient output. Such role-plays enhanced the effectiveness of behavioral counseling and allowed early detection of possible misconceptions.
Delivered through Knoodle’s platform, the HOPE Curriculum included on-demand and interactive learning elements such as video role-play scenarios, multimedia lectures combining PowerPoint and video, downloadable course materials, and comprehensive testing to support the certification program. Access to the curriculum was available throughout the U.S. to medical and dental training programs as well as pediatric health care providers. Health care professionals that successfully complete the HOPE Curriculum courses on Knoodle receive certified continuing medical education credits and maintenance of board certification at no additional charge.
The HOPE project was designed to address the core medical competencies, including patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and systems-based practice. The creators provided a guide of learning objectives mapped to required ACGME Domains. The American College of Graduate Medical Education competency addressed by the learning objective is noted in parentheses.
Abbreviations: MK, medical knowledge; P, professionalism; PBLI, practice-based learning and improvement; PC, patient care; ICS, interpersonal and communication skills; SBP, systems-based practice.
- To understand the epidemiology of childhood obesity in the US (MK)
- To review the underlying etiologies of childhood obesity (MK)
- To become familiar with the evidence associated with the recommendations from the Expert Committee (PBLI)
- To know how to assess for obesity risk (PC)
- To know how to identify obesity-related comorbidities (MK, PC)
- To become familiar with the methods to assess diet and physical activity behaviors (PC)
- To know the specific eating and physical activity behaviors that promote maintenance of healthy weight (PC)
- To become familiar with the 4 stages of obesity management and care (PC)
- To recognize when to refer patients for subspecialty evaluation (PC)
- To learn how to interact and collaborate with other health professionals regarding obesity-related issues (P)
- To review the role and responsibilities of health professionals in the assessment and management of obesity in children (P)
- To review the status of oral health among children (MK)
- To summarize the relationships between oral health, lifestyle behaviors, and obesity and obesity-related comorbidities (MK)
- To establish the basis for intervention on obesity and oral health for medical and dental clinicians (MK, PC)
- To review a universal protocol for assessment and intervention on both oral health and obesity among all clinicians (P, PC)
- To understand the behavioral and empirical basis for counseling children and their parents on weight-related issues (MK)
- To learn how to communicate effectively health messages regarding diet, physical activity, and weight with patients and their families (ICS, PC)
- To identify barriers to counseling (ICS)
- To learn skills on how to counsel effectively (ICS)
- To learn how to teach and motivate parents on how to use their authority effectively to implement healthy family lifestyles (PC, ICS)
- To become familiar with the motivational interviewing technique for eliciting the concerns of patients, evoking motivation, and formulating a plan for behavioral change (ICS, PC)
- To understand the epidemiology of obesity affecting certain cultural backgrounds (MK)
- To understand the social, economic, and environmental barriers that might affect specific cultures (P, PC)
- To recognize key cultural considerations when working with families on obesity prevention and control (P, PC)
- To increase sensitivity when caring for a culturally diverse population by providing a framework to assess thoroughly your patient within their cultural, social, and environmental context (P, ICS)
- To learn how to work effectively with an interpreter when working with non–English-speaking patients (ICS, P)
- To gain knowledge of practice and delivery systems of weight management (SBP)
- To become familiar with the chronic care paradigm (SBP)
- To review quality improvement models and to learn how to evaluate and improve clinical approaches to weight assessment and management (PBLI)
- To learn how to interact and collaborate with other medical personnel regarding obesity-related issues (P, SBP)
- To be aware of office system changes that can be used to screen, track, and manage children with overweight and obesity (SBP)
- To become aware of what is required to implement weight screening and management practices (SBP, PBLI)
- To identify resources regarding obesity in one’s general practice location/environment (SBP)
- To recognize the importance of social, community, and environmental change to reduce the obesity epidemic (P)
- To be aware of social, economic, and environmental barriers that might affect patients with overweight/obesity and their families in regard to their ability to implement clinical recommendations (PC)
- To learn about the role and responsibility of medical and dental professionals in the public health agenda of obesity (P)
- To learn the skills necessary to advocate for the weight management needs of the population that one serves (ICS)